Monday, March 25, 2013

Want to Increase Your Motivation?

If you want to make a change in your life then one of the first steps is to be sure that you have the motivation. There are two things to look at when you want to increase motivation; the thoughts that sabotage it and the thoughts that support it. By looking at the thoughts that impair motivation, you can become aware of them and learn to think in ways that increase motivation. 

What decreases motivation? Have you had any of the following thoughts? 

 1.-Maybe it isn't worth it.- Frequently, people are ambivalent about making changes in their lives and aren't sure that the effort to change things is worth it. Sometimes the problem you know seems easier than the potential challenges that could come from making a change. 

 2.-Maybe I just don't have the ability to pull this off.- If you feel like you just can't do it then that thought will stop you from ever starting. It's difficult to want to make a change in your life if you aren't sure you have the skills to pull it off. 

 3. -I get overwhelmed by thinking of everything I'd have to do to make this change.- You may want the reward of the change but think finding the energy, focus and dedication needed just seems overwhelming. 

What increases motivation? Learning to think thing like this: 

 1.-It is worth it.- You will either have the problems from not changing or the struggles that come with the effort to change. Remind yourself all the reasons why the current situation is unpleasant and problematic. Then remind yourself what could be better if you make a change. 

 2.-I can do it.- When you break down any task into its component parts, then you can find the tasks you do know how to do. If there are tasks that are difficult, then you can learn new skills or find someone to help. 

 3.-I can make smaller changes that will amount to the larger change.- Just like with the skills, redefining the change into a series of small changes will help the task seem less daunting. 

People find motivation to make changes in their lives by thinking about the problems with the current situation, the skills they have that will help with the change and the smaller behavior changes that can add up to the larger changes. And once people find the motivation, then starting is much easier.